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Figure 6 | BMC Structural Biology

Figure 6

From: The solution structure of ChaB, a putative membrane ion antiporter regulator from Escherichia coli

Figure 6

CaCl 2 titration and surface potential map of ChaB. (A) Summary of the perturbations of CaCl2 on the backbone 1H-15N chemical shifts of ChaB. The change in chemical shifts (determined from a weighted vector sum of 1H and 15N ppm deviations) are mapped onto the structure of ChaB using a colour gradient from blue, to red to yellow, where yellow is the largest perturbation and blue the smallest. Residues that could not be analyzed such as overlapping residues or residues that do not exhibit NH resonances are coloured grey. (B) Potential map of the surface of ChaB calculated using MOLMOL [35] shown in the same orientation as (A). Residues most perturbed by Ca2+ cluster around a highly negatively charged patch on the ChaB surface comprising a flexible loop.

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