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Table 2 Comparison of PIADA with other algorithms. This table shows comparison between the number of protein interacting residues found by PIADA and either by 'maximal distance method', 'delta ASA method' or interactions present in iPFAM. One of the reasons for the large discrepancy in the results obtained by PIADA and by iPFAM database is the fact that iPFAM results cover only the residues that are inside PFAM domains.

From: PSAIA – Protein Structure and Interaction Analyzer


Number of residues found by both algorithms

Number of residues not found by other algorithms

Number of residues not found by PIADA

Atom distance

382 175

12 181

5 051

I PFAM (Inside PFAM domains)

259 649

134 707

74 991

Delta ASA

387 187

7 169

51 928