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Figure 7 | BMC Structural Biology

Figure 7

From: Structure, substrate recognition and reactivity of Leishmania major mevalonate kinase

Figure 7

The substrate-binding site of Lm MK. Molecules are depicted in stick representation, all N positions are blue, O red. C atoms are grey except for (R)-MVA and the catalytic residues where they are green and cyan respectively. For the purpose of clarity only selected water molecules (red spheres) and hydrogen bonding interactions (red dashed lines) are shown. An omit difference density map (blue chicken wire) covering the substrate and the water molecule adjacent to the carboxylate group is shown. The map was calculated with coefficients |F o-F c|, αcalc and contoured at 1.5 σ. F o and F c represent observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes respectively, αcalc phases calculated on the basis of atomic coordinates of the model but not including the substrate or water oxygen.

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