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Fig. 5 | BMC Structural Biology

Fig. 5

From: An intact helical domain is required for Gα14 to stimulate phospholipase Cβ

Fig. 5

Role of the N-terminal helix (αN) in the Gαq-PLCβ3 complex. a The model of Gαq (light orange) is shown as a space filling structure and contains the αN-helix and other regions as indicated. PLCβ3 (yellow) is depicted as a cartoon ribbon, containing the helix-turn-helix segment (Hα1/Hα2), the N-terminal PH domain, four EF hands, the catalytic TIM barrel, and a C2 domain. PLCβ3-interacting residues of Gαq are colored in magenta. The carboxy-terminal (CT) domain of PLCβ3 is not included in the structural model. The structure of the αN-helix is generated by replacing the amino acid sequence of Gαi (Gαiβ1γ2, PDB code: 1GP2) with the Gαq sequence. The final model is generated by alignment of Gαq-PLCβ3 (PDB code: 3OHM) and the modified heterotrimer Gαqβ1γ2 using PyMOL (The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 1.3 Schrödinger, LLC). The orientation of the αN-helix represents the conformation in the heterotrimer and is not optimized for the Gαq-PLCβ3 complex. In this case, the αN-helix points towards the cell membrane and clashes with PLCβ3, but in fact may exist in a conformation which interacts with PLCβ3. b Schematic representation of 14αΝ and zαN chimeras. c Cells were co-transfected with PLCβ2 and Gα protein or the indicated chimeras. Co-immunoprecipitation assays were performed and analyzed as in Fig. 2. Data shown represent one of three sets of immunoblots; two other sets yielded similar results. For the IP3 accumulation assay, HEK293 cells were transiently transfected with the wild-type or constitutively active mutants (QL) of Gα proteins or chimeras and analyzed as in Fig. 2. *, IP3 production was significantly enhanced as compared to corresponding wild-type transfected cells; Dunnett t test, p < 0.05

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